London City Mission in Schools

Supporting Spiritual and Moral development of pupils across London

Schools’ Christian Resource Centre

Narnia Feedback for Website 2016

Y6 teachers:

 “Thank you for your time and enthusiasm in providing an enjoyable learning experience!”

“Many children have expressed an interest in reading the books and we have a “Waiting list” to borrow the copies you provided.”

“When we had an issue to deal with in class the children referred to their leaning in the Narnia Experience about honesty and how friends respect you if you tell the truth!”

“It all looked so real and I learnt some good lessons!”

“I enjoyed listening to the people read the book because the book is so much more fascinating than the movie!”

Y6 comments:

“It all looked so real and I learnt some good lessons.”

“I enjoyed everything. My favourite bit was putting my head in the pictures (photo boards) and the food!”

“Very realistic, it seemed like you were actually in the movie!”

Y5 Teacher:

“We had an amazing time. The adults/staff were absolutely outstanding, guiding the children to reflect and make connections. The setting was terrific. We felt we really were in Narnia!”

“Thank you so much for an amazing experience in Narnia, the children were completely enchanted. I am sure they will not forget today”

“Children were invited to think/reflect and wonder!”

Y5 Comments

“It was the best trip that I ever had in my whole life!”

“I loved it and it was so amazing that I want to come again!”

“I enjoyed the fish and chips that Mrs Beaver made us!”

“ I am definitely going to recommend this to other children! Everyone was so friendly and polite.”

“I thought we were meeting the real C.S. Lewis!”

“Now I have been to the Narnia Experience I am even more keen to read the books!”

“My mum will be ecstatic about the trip but she will be thrilled that you do gluten free toast. Cheers to you!”

What an amazing experience. Lots of opportunities to really learn about CS Lewis and the story “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. More importantly, time to think and reflect. Such an enjoyable, memorable experience. Thank you so much. Also, thank you so much for the books – very generous!

Merton Headteacher